What we do

We offer expert assistance in transportation and community noise analysis and mitigation as well as transportation air quality assessments. Our work includes highway and rail environmental impact and assessment studies, acoustical design of noise abatement, statewide and regional noise barrier prioritization studies, policy analysis and revision, methods development, and research.

Bowlby & Associates, Inc. also develops and teaches transportation noise courses.  We provide a short course on Traffic Noise Fundamentals and the use of the Federal Highway Administration’s Traffic Noise Model version 2.5 (TNM).  We have delivered that course more than 50 times in the last 20 years including sessions for the state DOTs in California, Georgia, Indiana, Minnesota, and Washington.  Training development clients include the National Highway Institute, USDOT, and New York State DOT. 

Our work also includes:

  • industrial plants
  • rock quarries
  • retail facilities
  • pump stations
  • natural gas regulators
  • construction sites
  • emergency generators
  • HVAC systems
  • noise ordinances
  • racetracks
  • stadiums
  • concerts
  • “soundscapes” for the National Park Service (NPS)

Traffic Noise Analysis and Noise Studies

Bowlby & Associates, Inc. offers expert assistance in transportation and community noise analysis and mitigation. We have completed hundreds of noise studies for federal projects per the FHWA noise regulation, Procedures for Abatement of Highway Traffic Noise and Construction Noise, 23 CFR 772, and state noise policies for an extensive list of DOTs. We have evaluated all types of highway projects, including complex interstate widening and interchange projects, new alignments, widenings, bridge replacements, and truck climbing lanes. We have managed many noise barrier projects from environmental through design and construction. We also perform noise studies to meet the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requirements per 24 CFR Part 51, Subpart B.

Our experience also includes evaluating noise policies and procedures for state and federal government agencies, assessing noise barrier priorities and needs, determining noise barrier effectiveness, and evaluating tire-pavement noise.

Rail Noise Studies

Bowlby & Associates, Inc. has conducted noise studies for commuter trains, high-speed rail, and light rail systems including the evaluation of noise abatement. We have also evaluated freight operations and retarders.

Non-transportation Noise Measurement & Analysis

Bowlby & Associates, Inc. has performed noise studies and assessments for varied clients in the private sector including warehouses, metal plants, natural gas regulator stations, hospitals, national parks, restaurants, outdoor amphitheaters, racetracks, and rock quarries.

Air Quality Studies & Air Pollutant Emissions Analysis

Bowlby & Associates, Inc. performs Air Quality Studies for highway projects, including transportation conformity, CO hot-spot analysis, pollutant emissions assessments, qualitative and quantitative MSATs analysis, and climate change evaluations.